SandStory Therapy®

Registered Sandstory Therapist for Website

SandStory Therapy® is a unique and innovative form of therapy, which can be offered alone or incorporated within Play Therapy sessions. SandStory Therapy® combines the therapeutic use of sand, water and symbols with storytelling, to support children and young people (and adults!) to gently and safely express and explore their thoughts, feelings and experiences.

It utilizes the tactile experience of working with sand to create a visual representation of a client’s inner world. During a SandStory Therapy® session, the client is provided with a tray of sand, water and a variety of symbols, allowing them to freely express themselves using symbols of their choice to create a story sand scene.

Stories naturally emerge as we try to make meaning of our experiences and ourselves. It encourages a respectful and sensitive dialogue between the unconscious and the conscious parts of the mind from within is heard, seen and experienced. In turn, this is taken into daily life and natural, very organic shifts occur.

Dandelion Play Therapy is specially trained to offer the structure and guidance to support children, young people and adults to ‘tell their story in the sand’ and to respond to the emotional and symbolic content of an individual’s unique story to promote insight, self-awareness, healing, and growth, leading to improved emotional well-being and self-confidence.

SandStory Therapy® offers a gentle, safe and unique way of using sand and symbols in a contained tray to support a client’s process … so that they can ‘tell their story in the sand’.